Strategic Digital Marketing Power

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I cannot stress enough how much the internet and social media can do to ensure the successful sale of your home, get you the most amount of money possible, expose it to the masses and get you the best terms!

This type of marketing can get very technical, but you don’t need to know all the technical ins and outs. All you need to know is how exactly your listing agent plans to tap this power for you.

Having more potential buyers exposed to your home definitely gives your home a competitive advantage.

Really effective marketing campaigns start before your home even goes on the market! Your agent should not only distribute “Pick your Neighbor” brochures and have a “Coming Soon” lawn sign prior to the official date.  They should also begin their social media and internet campaigns to get buzz going.

An exceptional agent will do paid advertising on social media which can get literally thousands of views. Your agent should also be creating cookies on the backend of their advertising to capture target audience. A Strategic agent knows how to use paid weekly Facebook ad campaigns that are targeted to people “interested in moving” per Facebook analytics. They’ll use services like Adwerx or Ylopo which analyze consumer behavior to target potential buyers looking in your area. They will do paid ads on social media sites with your property tour.

In everything they do, they will make sure that they have identified the potential buyers who are most likely to pay the highest price for your home. This becomes the target market they focus their efforts on.

Also, in everything they post online, they’ll research and use search engine optimization (SEO) to make sure the ads and posts about your home will get the most views. This means using titles, captions and content that features key words potential home buyers are using to find a home.

YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine after Goggle so videos of your home definitely should be there with great titles and captions.

Once they’ve placed ads and posts online, great agents don’t just “set it and forget it.” They have a constant tracking system that determines which ads are doing well and which need tweaking.

During the initial interview, you should ask to see ex- amples of the agent’s proposed listing and their social media analytics from past properties.


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